How do I make my hunting rifle more accurate?

Let's look at the cleaning of your rifle.  When a shot is fired, two products remain in the barrel.
Carbon, as a result of the propellent igniting and copper being shed by the projectile accelerating through the barrel.   

The first step is to get the correct cleansing agent which will remove the two by-products.  A number of cleansing agents are available and every shot obviously  believes in some or other product.

Years of experience have taught me that it is better to address each of the two by-products separately.  You need two cleansing agents - one for carbon and one for copper.  

Remember that the cleansing agent causes an chemical reaction with the carbon and copper.  Make sure that you allow sufficient time for the reaction to take place.

Most shots apply the cleansing agent on a cloth which they push through the barrel, directly followed by a clean cloth.  This will not allow sufficient time for the chemical process to take place. 

Most cleansing agents on the market contain synthetic ammonia, which will not damage the barrel.

Allow five to ten minutes for the cleansing agent to do its work.  Believe me, you will see the difference.  Repeat the process until you are satisfied.

Cleaning a hunting rifle is enjoyable when you see the results after the cleaning process.  Try it, you won't know your rifle.  Accuracy will improve.

Products for all your cleaning requirements are available at all the Hinterland fire-arm branches.

Jaco Kruger obtained his national colours in Benchrest shooting and represented his county on numerous occasions.  He is also an active SA Hunter member.